Andie's Playlist

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Friday, April 2, 2010

Hello again. Have you missed me?!

Well, this past month has been pretty busy. I haven't posted in a long time, and I'm sorry! The last "major" thing I posted about was applying to the nursing I still haven't heard anything. Also, for those of you who are wondering, Chris and I are STILL not engaged. Trust me, when we are, people will know. And for those weird rumors going around town that we broke up BECAUSE his grandpa died....false. So don't believe anything unless you hear it from either me or Chris, because otherwise, it probably is not true. And if you have any questions...just come and talk to me, I'm not embarrassed about anything, and I will answer your questions! But for now, still not engaged.
Let's see. For spring break, my family and I went to Carlsbad New Mexico and it was pretty neat! If you ever have a chance to go, it is worth seeing because it is so amazing. We also went to White Sands on our way home. After I got back from New Mexico, Chris and I went to his grandma's house in Tucson to help her do some yard work and to plant a garden. They look great. We built her a square foot garden and it turned out awesome! Also during Spring Break I bought the movie "The Princess and the Frog," mostly because I love frogs more than anything, and I love princesses second most! ;) I'm really glad i bought it! I think it is a great movie and i laughed through almost the wholel thing. And the music was something new and unexpected in a disney movie also! Also during Spring break, we went to the air show in tucson and it was awesome!!! I got super super super sunburned though, but now it is a good farmers tan! ;) It was a really fun day!
After Spring Break, I went back to school. I have also been cleaning out the trailer that I was living in last semester and getting it ready because that is where Chris and I will live someday if he ever decides to get a ring...but we will wait and see about that. I finally got it all clean today! And I only cut one finger, and that was on accident. But now it is all clean and I can start going through the dishes that are in my closet down in my bedroom right now that are for when I get married and move out for good! That is going to be a great feeling because then I can put other stuff in my closet, like MY CLOTHES!!!
Another thing I have been working on is trying to get a 3 month supply of food for when after Chris and I get married. So far I have 12 cans of green beans, corn and peas, 24 quarts of pinto beans canned already, a ton of pomegranate jelly, and right now I am listening to the pressure cooker pressuring my hamburger! I also have 12 cans of cream of chicken soup and cream of mushroom soup. It's not a lot of food but it's enough for a start I think. I'm going to order some wheat and oatmeal this month and get it stored so that way we have some grains too. It's pretty exciting.
So that's what has been going on in my life lately. I will add pictures later because it's getting late and I'm tired!!

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