My cousin Alannah was so happy for me to get there. We got to my aunt's house really late on Friday night and Laney wanted to wait up for me to get there. My aunt finally had to tell her to go to bed and I would be there when she woke up. She drew me a picture of me and her that was on the door when we got there haha! After we got back from the temple, Alannah was so happy we were back! All she wanted to do was play with us. We woke up and did three puzzles with her and she kept asking me to give her a bath or do her hair and she kept tickling Jeremy, which was really funny. When we went to church on Sunday she sat by us and she wrote a note with a bunch of jibberish written on it and I asked her what it said and she said, quote no joke "I love you. Get married. Old fart!" I asked her who she wrote it for and she pointed over to Jeremy and then said "But don't tell him right now. Tell him later!" (She is 5 years old and way wiser than her age haha!) She also drew some pretty funny pictures for me! I love her so much! She's one of my favorites that's for sure!
Before we went to the Young Single Adult activity we went to Pizza Hut to eat with our friends Katie Layden and Ryan Humes. Katie is going to be our roommate next semester and yes they are dating! These pictures were so funny but I'm only going to post the most funny ones haha! Pretty much there is a story to all of them so maybe I can get the ones that captures the story behind them haha!